February 10th, 2025

Member since 2007

Member's Gallery

Carl Durance
(Creative Magic Design)
Wiarton, Ontario, Canada

For more information on Carl's work, you can contact Carl at

Cherry Staved Vase

Cherry Staved Vase

4 ½" diameter by 9 ¼" tall

Stave constructed vase, 8 black cherry staves, accents of thick cherry veneer laminated with maple and black-dyed pear veneers (5 layers), box elder burl top, black walnut lip and base, 186 pieces, tung oil finish.

© Carl Durance

Small Stave Vase

2 3/8" diameter by 4 3/8" tall

Stave constructed vase, 8 curly maple staves, accents of maple and black-dyed pear veneers, black cherry burl top, ebony lip and base, tung oil finish.

© Carl Durance

Small Stave Vase

Curly Maple Staved Vase

Curly Maple Staved Vase

4 ½" diameter by 9 ¾" tall

Stave constructed vase, 8 curly maple staves, hard maple burl cap, imbuya lip and base, accents of thick mahogany veneer laminated with maple and black-dyed pear veneers (5 layers), 186 pieces, tung oil finish.

© Carl Durance

Kaleidoscope Collection

(left to right) walnut & maple; spalted maple & walnut; walnut & cherry; curly maple & walnut; curly maple & walnut; mahogany & walnut with Celtic knot; plus various veneers; first/front surface mirror, rotating oil object cell; tung oil finish; ranging from 10" to 14" length.

© Carl Durance

Kaleidoscope Collection